Thursday, October 31, 2019

The futile Pursuit of Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The futile Pursuit of Happiness - Essay Example There is a lot of truth in the article. Gertner states that we, "...will adapt to a pleasurable event and make it the backdrop of our lives". We see this everyday through our own lives. Children will quickly discard and neglect the Christmas toys that they had anxiously waited a month to receive. The toy does not have the lifespan or the energy of the anticipation for it. People buy a new car and soon find that the newness has worn off. Just as the glitter wears away from the Christmas toys, so does the grief from a tragic loss. Its easy to think you will never find a job as good as the one that just laid you off, but people are almost always pleasantly surprised by lifes fortunes. The mistake we often make in judging the happiness that we will receive from a given decision or event is generally due to our misunderstanding of where happiness lies. We may be unhappy due to our limited income. The thought of winning the lottery seems like it would make us ecstatic beyond belief. However, by logical examination, it would in all likelihood only result in greater unhappiness. If a modest amount of money made us unhappy, a large sum may make us miserable. How many of the things that make us unhappy could be changed with only money? The bills may be paid, but the underlying reasons for our unhappiness would persist. The author points out that we can train our emotions and in doing so make more rational decisions. A cooling off period to prevent buyers remorse may be rational, but it removes the excitement of making a new purchase. Analyzing our potential for happiness based on laboratory rationale takes away our propensity for risk. It reduces our courage and limits our innovation and invention. While it may be a practical approach to making decisions, it precludes the human nature of emotion. Evaluating our predicted happiness and basing our decisions on a calculated outcome may be more practical

Monday, October 28, 2019

Extra Sensory Perception Essay Example for Free

Extra Sensory Perception Essay The term Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP, denotes the ability to gather information by means not related either to common five sences or to person’s previous experience. The most common abilities classified as ESP are telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance. Studies of ESP, together with vast number of other unexplained psychic abilities attributed to human brain – such as, but not limited to, pyro- and psychokinesis, astral projection, bioenergetic healing and so on – are grouped under the term of parapsychology. Abilities grouped under the term of ESP were rumoured to exist from times of old, but conventional science started to examine them only in late XIX century. Since 1884, British Society for Psychical Research began to experiment with card-guessing, the ESP definition method bordering between clairvoyance and telepathy (the subject was to tell the card in sealed opaque envelopes, to tell the card at certain place on the table in other room and so forth). At 1930s, they were joined by American experiments (by J. B. Rhine and L. Rhine), and the results were thoroughly analysed in order to find any deviations from statistical norm. Though not all experiments were equally conclusive, some methods of guessing were found to produce results unexplained by statistics. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1990), English mathematician who was assisting the Society for Psychical Research in analysis of its experiments, wrote: In any case the frequencies differ much more than they would in 748 cards drawn independently and truly at random. The 12 degrees of freedom score 50. 5267 and of this the preference component contributes 24. 1360, a very marked preference, nearly five times its standard error. †¦ in Table E you certainly have â€Å"got a phenomenon†. In British Society for Psychical Research Ina Jephson and S. G. Soal did their experiments with playing cards; after it was found that people choose some cards more often than others based on numerical value, set, or color, J. B. Rhine in Duke Univercity, North Carolina, decided to find a more emotionally neutral media for experiments. A set of special cards with simple symbols on them was developed, called Zener cards after the name of Karl Zener, their inventor. There were 25 cards total in the pack, with 5 each of circle, cross, star, wavy lines and square. With only 5 types of cards it was easier to analyse the results – first by manual accounting, then by computers. Now, Zener cards are the common practice used in ESP experiments. Later, J. B. Rhine (1940) and his Duke Univercity colleagues collected information about their own studies and previous experiments in ESP from XIX century to present time. Considering Duke Univercity experiments, they reported some most unusual results, differing from statistical expectations: In one set of experiments, 2400 total guesses were made and an excess of 489 hits were noted†¦ The statistical probability of this outcome is equivalent to odds of 1,000,000 to 1†¦ †¦ 27 of the 33 [sets of experiments] produced statistically significant results. In Soviet Russia, independent researches in ESP were made with significant successes. Ostrander and Schroeder (1970) in their review Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain cite the results of experiments by some Karl Nikolayev and Yuri Kamensky. Not only they have sent and received telepathic pulses from each other being in different cities 400 miles apart, but their brains were scanned while performing acts of ESP. It was reported that different areas of the brain were becoming active depending on what kinds of information – visual or sound – was being telepathically received. More, the telepathic pulses Nikolayev claimed to be receiving were also indicated by EEG machine connected to his brain, and the distinction between long and short pulses was definite. Soviet parapsychologists’ studies were later put to some use by Western inventors. Ostrander and Schroeder (1997) in their second book tell about some experimental military devices based on ESP principles: Highly reliable sources tell us the Western military saw possibilities in Sergeyevs remote sensors and did some inventing of their own. They created a special helmet to help pilots handle the split second moment of maximum danger when an enemy plane carrying a rocket approaches. The unconscious percieves an event an instant before it becomes conscious to us. The sensors in the helmet pick up a shift in the brains fields in advance and automatically trigger firing a missile before the pilot could do it consciously. Still, there is a wide field of questions that lies before the parapsychological studies. For example, the fact is noted that people who believe in ESP show better results in parapsychology tests than those who do not. This itself is one of the best arguments in favour of accepting ESP as science-proven. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research (2007) tells about one case of such studies: Seventy-four participants were recruited through media advertisements. The experimenters employed blind coding and recoding procedures, and let the participants touch the objects to obtain impressions. Six trials were completed. Participants were categorised as either psychic, ‘ESP skilled’ (N = 44), or non-psychic, ‘ESP experients’ (N = 30). The ESP skilled group scored higher psi-hitting than the ESP experients group, who scored at the level of mean chance expectation. The difference between groups was significant. So, the question of whether the ESP can be classified as scientific fact is still open, but there are very definite arguments for it to be considered as such. References Fisher R. A. (1990). Statistical Inference and Analysis: selected correspondence of R. A. Fisher, edited by J. H. Bennett. London: Oxford University Press J. B. Rhine, J.G. Pratt, Charles E. Stuart, Burke M. Smith Joseph A. Greenwood. (1940). Extra-Sensory Perception after Sixty Years. A Critical Appraisal of the Research in Extra-Sensory Perception. New York: Henry Holt Co. , Inc. Ostrander, S. Schroeder, L. (1970). Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Ostrander, S. Schroeder, L. (1997). Psychic Discoveries: The Iron Curtain Lifted. New York: Marlowe and Company. Parra A. Argibay J. C. (2007, July). Comparing psychics and non-psychics through a ‘token-object’ forced-choice ESP test. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, pp. 80-90.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Communication Competency Self-Assessment

Communication Competency Self-Assessment PART 1: Communication Competence Analysis Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you are currently strong, and describe why you feel that way. Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you currently need improvement, and describe why you feel that way. Each section should be written with at least three paragraphs (with a minimum of three to four sentences each) of commentary, which is in addition to any quoting from the listing you may choose to do.It may be helpful to explain your thought process and provide examples to give explanation to your descriptions of why you feel that way.This is not a formal paper, but college-level spelling, grammar, and syntax are expected. S = strength NI = needs improvement _S_ 1. I’m sensitive to contexts of communication. I recognize that changes in physical, cultural, social– psychological, and temporal contexts will alter meaning. _S_ 2. I assess my channel options and evaluate whether my message will be more effective if delivered face-to-face, through e-mail, or by some third party, for example. _S_ 3. I look for meaning not only in words but also in nonverbal behaviors. _NI_ 4. I am sensitive to the feedback and feed forward that I give to others and that others give to me. _NI_ 5. I combat the effects of the various types of physical, psychological, and semantic noise that distort messages. _S_ 6. I listen not only to the more obvious content messages but also to the relational messages that I (and others) send, and I respond to the relational messages of others to increase meaningful interaction. _S_ 7. Instead of looking only at the punctuation patterns, I also look at the patterns that others might be using in order to understand better the meanings communicated. _S_ 8. Because communication is transactional, I recognize that all elements influence every other element in the communication process and that each person communicating is simultaneously a speaker/listener. _NI_ 9. Because communication is purposeful, I look carefully at both the speaker’s and the listener’s purposes. _NI_ 10. Because communication is inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable, I look carefully for hidden meanings, am cautious in communicating messages that I may later wish to withdraw, and am aware that any communication act occurs but once. _S_ 11. I am sensitive to cultural variation and differences, and I see my own culture’s teachings and those of other cultures without undue bias. My Competency Strengths _S_ 2. I assess my channel options and evaluate whether my message will be more effective if delivered face-to-face, through e-mail, or by some third party, for example. Number two is definitely one of my better strengths out of the competencies listed. Recognizing the different methods of communication is definitely important in how a message can be relayed. Before I want to send a message across, I always think about how it may be portrayed depending on which method is used and which will be most effective. There was a time when I thought about sending a text message to a friend about a certain topic. However, I decided that if I sent the text message, there may be some confusion and may have been taken completely out of context. In the end, my friend and I discussed it in person and he was very grateful we did and that I decided against the text message. I think text messaging can be so emotionless. Although I am not perfect, as no one is, I think I have a pretty good understanding about the differences in which a method of communication can make. I think all it takes is a matter of stopping for a second and thinking about how the words someone is reading over an e-mail or text message may differ as opposed to just going to talk to them about it. Granted, sometimes an e-mail is a completely efficient way to send out a simply message to a large amount of people. _S_ 11. I am sensitive to cultural variation and differences, and I see my own culture’s teachings and those of other cultures without undue bias. Number eleven is another one of my strengths from these competencies. Over the years of working in a hospital, I have learned to understand that there are so many different cultures out there and it’s only fair that we do not think of as our own to be the â€Å"best† or the â€Å"right† one. This is something that I have never had a problem understanding; I was raised to be respectful of other cultures whether or not I may agree with their beliefs. As I have mentioned, working in a hospital has exposed me to many types of different cultures. There have been a few instances where our patient was a Jehovah’s Witness; in which did not accept blood in the event they needed it. This was their belief, and as hard as it is to want to just give them blood in an emergency, their wishes must be respected even though others may not have agreed with the decision. It’s important not to be biased in our own culture. There are so many different types of people in this world, and I think that it’s a great thing. I believe that are a lot of people out there who are very biased of their own culture and don’t understand why people have different beliefs. If we do more to educate others on different cultures, then it’s possible more and more will understand cultures other than their own. My Competencies Needing Improvement _NI_ 5. I combat the effects of the various types of physical, psychological, and semantic noise that distort messages. Number five is one of the communication competencies that I understand but I need to improve on. Sometimes I get easily distracted in fully grasping the messages that are being portrayed. I need to work on trying to ignore other noises that happen between the sending and receiving of messages so I can decode exactly what is being sent to me. There are a lot of distractions with working in the operating room; a lot of things go on at once. On one instance, the patient we had wasn’t doing so well and a lot of activity was going all at the same time; several people were asking me for things all at once. I managed to give everyone what they needed but I remember thinking how overwhelmed I felt and how all of the communication that was being thrown at me was jumbling together because of all the â€Å"noise† that occurred between all of the messages; I have to work more on learning how to separate out the distractions. I look at it as a small challenge to myself to work on ways that will help me learn to cut out so many distractions. I will try to take each message that is being sent to me and focus on it instead of hearing the â€Å"noise† that comes along with it. I think if I become successful at this, I will have a much easier time understanding what is being communicated to me. _NI_ 10. Because communication is inevitable, irreversible, and unrepeatable, I look carefully for hidden meanings, am cautious in communicating messages that I may later wish to withdraw, and am aware that any communication act occurs but once. Number ten is the other communication competency that I feel I need to make improvements on. I understand that communication is unrepeatable, irreversible, and inevitable, but sometimes I don’t think long enough about what I’m going to say and just say it and regret it later. Also, I don’t always see all of the hidden meanings behind some of the things that I say or things others say to me. I think at times I try to convince myself that what I say can be justified and taken away when it usually cannot. I can remember one time I sent an e-mail to someone after a disagreement and because I was so angry while writing the e-mail, I wasn’t thinking about exactly what I was saying and the consequences it was going to have later on. I had sent the e-mail and in the mean time had calmed down and reread the message and couldn’t believe the things I had said and it was too late to take it back; I couldn’t jump into the computer and reverse hitting the send button. The issue was eventually resolved but made me realize that I need to work on thinking more before putting words out there that are irreversible. I think one of the best things I can do in the future to avoid the type of situation I discussed above from happening again is just to step back and look at what I am saying before sending the message. Thinking about the consequences that may occur from saying something the wrong way is a motivator to be more careful. Also, trying to see the hidden meanings behind words before saying them to people I think will avoid any issues as well. PART 2: General Improvement Strategy The one communication competency that I am going to focus on for part two of this assignment is number ten. I understand that all of the competencies that I need to improve on are important but I want to elaborate a bit more on this one and see if I can plan out different ways to improve on it. The Problem: When I am angry or upset about something and want to confront the issue, I do not always fully think about what I’m saying before I say it, therefore living with the consequences of being unable to take back words. The Goal: To think more about what I say before I say it and to really realize how bad the consequences may become. The Plan: There are several things I plan on doing to improve on my problem. I will first think harder about what I am going to say before saying it. I will also step back and take a deep breath before writing out or saying harsh words. I will think about how my words may have hidden meanings to someone else. I will then use what I have learned in the past from the consequences of speaking/writing things I do not truly mean to avoid the same in the future. Test of Measurability: I will know that I have improved on my plan once I am in a situation where I may be upset about something and go to approach the person or an e-mail to someone and I use a better selection of words. I know my plan is going well when I wait to press the send button and reread what I have written to look for things that may mean more to the person that I realize. I will have achieved my goal when I see more positive outcomes and communication with the person I am having issues with. The list of competencies in part one of this assignment, with the exception of my insertions of â€Å"S† and â€Å"NI† are taken from: DeVito, J. (2013). Essentials of Human Communication [VitalSouce bookshelf version].  Retrieved from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Huanted House :: essays research papers

I could not sleep that night, for I was not given the chance to. For numerous times I had been yelling at my cousin to lower down the volume of the Compact Disc player. He insisted on testing out every single disc of my brother’s heavy-metal music collection at a certain volume that made my heart jump too fast or choke my mind with angry thoughts. My tired eyes shifted to the alarm clock, which stood, on my computer. Eleven, another hour to a brand new day. The next day, I will be bringing my cousin to have a view of the things we have in stall for him in the small neighborhood of mine, but before that can be possible, I will require my beauty sleep! â€Å"Hey, you moron! Are you finished with those trashy sounds?† I yelled, throwing the blanket over my head. I then grabbed my soft-toy dog, and threw it at him, aiming for his head. He responded, launching the toy back at me, hard at the bum. â€Å"Self-defence,† he reasoned out, reaching for the power switch of the player, finally. I heaved a sigh of relief, dropping dead on the pillow. As soon as I was about to enter the dream world, someone tapping at my shoulder awakened me. â€Å"I cannot sleep,† my cousin explained. I felt like strangling him. Thinking of what the family might say for destroying or killing a potential family name-bearer, I guessed it was not a very healthy idea after all. I sat on my bed, rubbing my eyes as I looked at my cousin through blurred eyes. â€Å" I remembered the last time you stayed overnight when you were around eight, you slept like a pig,† I muttered, reaching out for my spectacles. It hurts to be shortsighted. â€Å"I am thirteen now,† he reminded his ‘meet-once-a-year-during-Chinese-New-Year’ cousin. â€Å"So? Can’t thirteen-year-old don’t act like nocturnal animals?† I gave up, and soon the both of us were in the living room, with freshly brewed cups of coffee in our hands. It reminded me of how I drowned myself in caffine in order to stay awake for last minute examination preparations. My cousin strolled his way over to the television. â€Å"Don’t switch on that. The rest of the them are sleeping, mind you,† I warned him, recalling the time when my father threw down my radio on the ground, for blasting it during his sleep.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Alienation Essay

Metamorphosis is a change in physical form or structure. In The Metamorphosis, there is a literal change in the protagonist, Gregor Samsa’s, physical form from a man to an insect. This metamorphosis brings to light one of the major themes in the novel; the theme of alienation. Today’s society demands conformity to its norms and any individual who refuses to accept these faces alienation. Such is the fate of Gregor in the story. Before Gregor’s metamorphosis, he is alienated from his job, humanity, his family, and even his body. The metamorphosis, however, takes the alienation to a different plane. In the story, Gregor’s job precipitates his alienation from society, his family, and himself. Gregor’s initial alienation is from his physical body and as the story progresses we find that Gregor’s life as an insect is not much different from his life as a human. From the first few paragraphs we get the impression that Gregor’s metamorphosis has only transformed him from one body to a less convenient one. He does not seem frazzled by his transformation, but explores his new body and tries to work with it. He observes his â€Å"numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk† (Kafka, 494), he feels a â€Å"dull ache he had never experienced before† (495), and he discovers a place on his body that he cannot itch. Gregor does not seem to have any emotional change due to this transformation. This is evident when he wakes up after his transformation and is annoyed that he cannot go to sleep because he cannot turn onto his right side. He also thinks about how he can no longer attend work.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Writing Process Part 1 Finding a job in today’s tough job market Essays

The Writing Process Part 1 Finding a job in today’s tough job market Essays The Writing Process Part 1 Finding a job in today’s tough job market Paper The Writing Process Part 1 Finding a job in today’s tough job market Paper The Writing Process Part 1 Finding a job in today’s tough job market It is well known that we are in the midst of an unfathomable economic depression or otherwise the worst economic situation since the period of the great depression. Almost every organizations or companies are announcing daily about reducing employment and the unemployment level is increasing rapidly to the worst level. There is high competition in the job market so it is essential that you use the available tools so that you can achieve the position that you aspire. Now let us take some of the essential key rules of thriving into a job search in the tough job market. However, before I start giving out essential principles of successful job search, I want to present to you how I managed to get my job. When I graduated from the college nearly eight years ago, I bought a newspaper, read through the advertisement job pages and I was ever connected on the network. I kept on like this until one time I received a call from one of the biggest automotive industry. Therefore, you have to know that going through a job search is mentally exhausting. However, you should be patience because it can be sometimes frustrating and leads to rejection especially when you fail to get a job for a long time. It is essential to prepare for a job search just like the way athletes prepare for a competition. You should know that everybody is going though the same process and it is normal but eventually success comes after when you adhere to the following tips, First, use the technology for your own benefit. In the modern world, technology has become a vital tool in that one cannot do without it. Therefore, you should utilize technology as much as possible. It is good to create e-mails and subscribe for job alerts that match with your course criteria. Create blogs on the subject of your expertise area and stay connected to social networks. I am sure that you are aware of the network and even familiar with it because mostly you do research work or course work using the computer or form a group discussion. So do not go outside and forget that computer have completed their college work. It is now that you should understand that you are going to need computers more than ever. Take use of social networking. Make sure that to attend various organizational events where you can be able to meet all kinds of people and try to seek advice on job search from them. Do not get tired and feel discouraged even though they will not attend you positively. You should be patience and understand why you are out their and what you are searching for because it is through hardworking and tolerance that you can be able to achieve your goals. You should bear in mind that the purpose of attending events on different organizations is to be acquainted with the skills and grow in your networking. This will enable you to develop potential skills that will one time help you when being called for an interview (Roebuck and McKenney, 2006). You should prepare fully for an interview. I know everybody will search to get an interview but the interviews are not meant for open positions. In this point, you should now realize that social networking is crucial because you might be interviewed on what you know about the company where you have gone for an interview. Incase you had already attended the company’s events you are then likely to pass your interview. Another thing you should not forget is dressing code when going for an interview. Some people tend to forget that dressing is part of an interview therefore, incase you are interviewed for a manufacturing industry, be in a conservative attires. Part 2 The process I used to draft my message was that first, I had to organize the message by choosing on the essential ideas that can enable me to deliver my message. I started with prewriting my speech whereby I outlined many points. Secondly, I started writing down the crucial ideas on another draft. In addition, I had to revise on my points that can enable me to draw the attention of my audience. Lastly, I revised my points in order to ensure whether my speech met the required value. My audiences are the students who will be graduating because they are the one mostly affected especially when it comes to competition for jobs in today’s job market. However, other audience may include parents and guardians who will accompany them to graduation because they are affected indirectly especially when it comes to helping their children find a job. Others may include honorable guests and lecturers who will be present in graduation day. In addition, business managers and others executive members from different companies or organizations who will be present will be my audience because they have knowledge about the existing job issues in the economy. My audience was displeased because of the high unemployment rates in the economy and the way I expressed my points to them. I used inductive approach by giving examples about the situation that I went through before I got a job. My audience were displeased especially students who realized that getting a job is not easy after they listened to my speech. I outlined the main ideas from the first draft and included the major points in the second draft. This is because I did not want to make long speech that could have ended boring my audience. I used inductive information sequencing approach because this is a constructivist form of passing across the information and it is more student-centered. This is because my speech aims mostly students who are ready to face the challenges of job market. This method is widely used because it is more experimental and it gives practical example that indicates a direction of something. I wrote the second draft because the first draft had many ideas but after proofreading, I had to choose the essential ideas that can benefit my audience. I had to revise on my points to make sure the points are correct and if they are in line with the speech that I was to present. Reference Roebuck, D. B., McKenney, M. A. (2006). Improving business communication skills. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Essays

Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Essays Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Paper Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Paper Essay Topic: Utilitarianism Although Utilitarianism as a whole is a complicated and flawed ideology, Rule Utilitarianism (the more sympathetic concept of the two) tends to be more plausible than Act Utilitarianism. However Rule Utilitarianism is not without its own flaws that critics of JS Mill indicate. Critics of JS Mill say that Act Utilitarianism is more plausible because with Rule Utilitarianism, moral laws conflict, for example, the right to be free from hunger and want seems logical but destroying the rainforests to provide food goes against other Utilitarianism principles, whereas in Act Utilitarianism, according to Sidgwick, it is possible that an act may be moral and immoral at the same time. For Sidgwick, when making a moral decision you must respond to the immediate consequences of your actions but not the long term effect, as it isnt possible to be certain about the long term effects. Critics of Bentham and Sidgwick however would say that Rule Utilitarianism is more plausible because Rule Utilitarians believe that it is the quality of an act that is more important and not the greatest good for the greatest number as suggested by Bentham. Mill also believed that without individual liberty, societys happiness is not possible, which makes Rule Utilitarianism more plausible as it coincides with human rights whereas Bentham thinks that Human rights are ridiculous. According to Bentham, Act Utilitarianism is more plausible because it provides the greatest goo for the greatest number through the use of the hedonic calculus. By using the Hedonic calculus, one is able to maximise pleasure and minimise pain. The Hedonic calculus Is the test for all practical decisions and is an easy way to provide the greatest overall happiness for all sentient beings such as humans. The concept of the Hedonic Calculus for philosophers such as Mill, Brandt and Austin was far too complex and they considered it to be an impossible ideal to apply the hedonic calculus when making all decisions, especially when there is not time to carefully think about making a decision. Furthermore, Act Utilitarianism consider maims to be rules of thumb that can be disregarded in certain circumstances, whereas rule Utilitarians believe all moral laws must be obeyed. Rather than following the Hedonic Calculus, Rule Utilitarians instead made a set of general rules selected on the basis of whether they will maximise general good or welfare in society. These general rules apply the Principle of Utility so it is easier to apply them in everyday life, therefore making moral decision making a much easier and less complicated situation. In conclusion, Both act and Rule Utilitarianism have their flaws but overall, Rule Utilitarianism is more plausible than Act Utilitarianism because through Rule Utilitarianism it is easier to apply rules and moral laws and one focuses on the quality of happiness rather than the quantity, which can often lead to impractical decision making (for Act Utilitarians.)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Sex Pre-Selection

Danae Williams Sociology Mondays and Wednesdays Research Paper I approached this paper in a much different way then any other paper I have ever written. The topic that I have chosen is sex selection and since this topic is so new I felt that every resource was very unique and had a lot to offer. That is why I have chosen to write this paper in order of the resources I have found. I hope that you do not mind. Technology nowadays is phenomenal. There is so much that technology is now able to do, and there is also a lot of competition out there concerning technology. With the technology today there truly is no limit to what someone can do. Technology has become so advanced that couples can now even decide what sex they want their child to be. Sex selection is an unbelievably expensive and quite silly process. I would think that as long as a couple has a healthy baby that they would be happy, but not any more. Couples want it all and now they are capable of doing just that. Sex selection has always been around but not the way it is today. Accurately selecting the sex of ones child has been a goal of many cultures since man has been on earth. Some superstition has created many outrageous practices for the reproduction of a child of a desired sex at the time of conception. Recommendations for having males include, having sex in dry weather when the moon is full, the nut harvest is plentiful, and there is a north wind. Many parents throughout history have resorted to selective abortion and infanticide, to guarantee them the sex of their children. With more recent advances in technology couple have more assistance with an accurate method of selecting the sex of their child before conception. At this time there are two methods that provide the best results for sex selection, they are pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of embryos and sperm-sorting through flow cytometry. The ethical ... Free Essays on Sex Pre-Selection Free Essays on Sex Pre-Selection Danae Williams Sociology Mondays and Wednesdays Research Paper I approached this paper in a much different way then any other paper I have ever written. The topic that I have chosen is sex selection and since this topic is so new I felt that every resource was very unique and had a lot to offer. That is why I have chosen to write this paper in order of the resources I have found. I hope that you do not mind. Technology nowadays is phenomenal. There is so much that technology is now able to do, and there is also a lot of competition out there concerning technology. With the technology today there truly is no limit to what someone can do. Technology has become so advanced that couples can now even decide what sex they want their child to be. Sex selection is an unbelievably expensive and quite silly process. I would think that as long as a couple has a healthy baby that they would be happy, but not any more. Couples want it all and now they are capable of doing just that. Sex selection has always been around but not the way it is today. Accurately selecting the sex of ones child has been a goal of many cultures since man has been on earth. Some superstition has created many outrageous practices for the reproduction of a child of a desired sex at the time of conception. Recommendations for having males include, having sex in dry weather when the moon is full, the nut harvest is plentiful, and there is a north wind. Many parents throughout history have resorted to selective abortion and infanticide, to guarantee them the sex of their children. With more recent advances in technology couple have more assistance with an accurate method of selecting the sex of their child before conception. At this time there are two methods that provide the best results for sex selection, they are pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of embryos and sperm-sorting through flow cytometry. The ethical ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Providing quality care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Providing quality care - Essay Example While traditionally the concept of quality nursing care was defined by the policies, the facilities and the credentials associated with the nurses, this definition has been expanded in the modern times to incorporate the concepts of exploration, improvement of the processes and patient safety, as well as the evaluation of the whole outcome of all these components (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007: 2). In this regard, the concept of quality nursing care refers to the holistic evaluation of the nursing practice, starting from the time the nurse comes into contact with the patient, to the point where the individual is discharged from the health facility, and all the health practices that are involved therein (Institute of Medicine, 2001: 47). Therefore simply put, quality nursing care is the overarching umbrella under which the patient safety resides, and thus the concept of patient safety is indistinguishable from the concept of quality nursing care, since it is through quality nursing care that the safety of the patient is upheld (Russell et al. 2010: 49). Thus, this discussion seeks to analyse the concept of quality nursing care in pain management nursing practice, with a view to establishing how the quality agenda informs this practice. Pain management is an area of nursing practice that has consistently proved to present multifaceted challenges to the nursing practitioners, considering that at some point in life, everyone experiences pain in its diverse forms. Pain has been classified as either acute or chronic, where the acute pain subsides as the process of healing continues, while the chronic pain is persistent (Jensen et al., 2003: 72). The multifaceted challenges faced by the nursing practitioners under the pain management practice emanate from the fact that pain must not always be physiological, but may also entail some components of psychological, spiritual or emotional dimensions (Jones, 2006: 42). Nevertheless, in all these dimensions,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Examine the nature and limits of the EU as a global actor with Assignment

Examine the nature and limits of the EU as a global actor with particular reference to trade, aid, security and politics regarding its relations with Ukraine - Assignment Example However, given the complex limits specified by EU to its member states, it has become impossible to admit Ukraine. Ukraine is considered a defiant member since in most occasions it has failed to agree on EU limits. On the other hand, the country has not upgraded to partnership status ‘similar to that accorded to Russia’ given its low volume on trade and quality of infrastructure. The incoming research will examine the nature of limits that have continued binding successfully status maturity. The report will demonstrate the power of European union in different perspectives, most especially sanctions against Russia. As well, the report will investigate EU security ability against possible aggression. The report will prove that the current political crises are not near conclusion given that membership into the union has taken a different form. The current problem began with Ukraine refusing to sign a trade deal with European Union. The treaty that was both an economic and political entity compelled Ukraine to be subjective to European Union. There were a number of political crises, which resulted to questions of corruption. Students and other young people constantly protested against the incoming and outgoing regimes. In fact, concerns of corruption polarized the entire scene. Militia who continued fighting in the countryside joined rowdy youths. As a result, the country has heavily been balkanized by gangs wanting to control different areas. The number of current segments is four. Meanwhile, Russia annexed Crimea due to gas concerns. This made the Kiev based government to panic. As such, Ukraine is being involved in one of the worst trading zone disputes of the 21st, century. As a result, the country has been entangled in a revolutionary political arena. At the center, the European Union (EU) backed by the United States is promoting policies, which compels Ukraine to

Wittig reaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wittig reaction - Essay Example The latter chemical agent is commonly known as the witting reagent, it results into chemical agents known as alkene as well as triphenylphosphine oxide (Carrutthers, 1971). Discovered in 1954 by Georg Witting, it continues to be vastly used in the organic synthesis of alkene preparation. This procedure should not be misunderstood with, the Witting rearrangement chemical procedure which is based on a different theory. The witting reaction is normally applicable in the coupling of aldehydes and kentones, is the single substitution of phosphine ylides. The out coming data from the ylides test results is nearly exclusive with the z-alkene chemical agent product. As such for one to obtain the E-alkene chemical agent, there is need to apply ylides under stabilization which can also be substituted with unstablised ylides. This can be undertaken with the application of the Schlosser modification chemical tests, after which the Witting reaction chemical test can be performed (Vedejs et al, 20 00). The witting reaction has a variation known as the classical mechanism; this is the established theoratical procedure of the witting reaction chemical test. It involves the bulk steric of ylide, this interacts with sterochemicals to produce nucleophilic addittives. This gives rise to betaine, the carbon-carbon bond rotation produces betaine tht in turn produces oxaphosphetane. By eliminating the desireable z-alkene in addittion to triphenylphosphine oxide components, the simplified witting reagents are used in a sequenced procedure. The first sequence of this procedure begins with a combination of aldehyes and ketones, this is followed by the decomposition of betaine. This decomposition occurs to the fifth form, this stage is also known as the rate-determination level. However, with ylides under stablization the initial sequence is noticed to be the slowest. As such the general alkene formation rate is reduced with time, this results into a sizeable proportion of the akene produ ct in which case being the E-isomer. This creates an understanding of the reasons, behind the failure of the stablizing reagents in proper reaction with sterical hindered ketones (Vedejs et al. 2000). Witting reagents such as phosphorus ylides, are prepared in a formulated procedure. Phosphium salt is the known derivative of preparation; it is also a resulting chemical agent from the reaction of triphenylphosphine and alkyl halide. As such in order to create the witting reagent being ylide, phosphonium salt must undergo suspension in a solvent such like diethyl ether with treatment of strong base chemicals like phenyllithium which can also be substituted with butyllitium. This can be shown with the following chemical equation Ph3P+CH2R X? + C4H9Li > Ph3P=CH?R + LiX + C4H10, in this chemical procedure methylenetriphenylphosphorane is the simplified ylide in use (Vedejs and Marth, 1998). This yield is also a precursor to a more defined elaboration of the witting reagents, alkylation o ccurs as seen in this chemical equation Ph3P=CH2 by the main alkyl halide that creates a phosphonium salt substitution. The formulation of these salts, is deprotonated in the normal matter resulting into a chemical agent as identified by the following chemical equation Ph3P=CH?CH2R. The ylide which is the witting reagent is structured in such a way that is identified as phosphorane in written form. This is an established representation of the ylide form, being a vital contributor as carbon remains mildly nucleophilic. Its chemical structure is comprised of a ball-and-stick model arrangement, that is takes the physical form of a crystal structure. In terms of its reactivity, simplified phosphoranes are highly reactive and very unstable in

Multimedia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Multimedia - Essay Example These differences are highlighted below: (i) Face-to-face traditional class: In the physical class, the nursing instructor is the main visible authority, and he or she may use a chalk board, white board, overhead projector and an/or handouts to let the students understand his or her lessons (McKeachie, 2010; Billings and Halstead, 2008). In recent years, advanced technologies have increased the number of teaching tools utilized in the traditional nursing classes—these include but are limited to the use of video clips, demonstrative videos, powerpoint presentations and ELMO (Electricity Light Machine Organization), which is a document camera. Initially, researches have shown that face-to-face learning has become redundant, passive and uninteresting to the students. The use of these multimedia will surely bring some spark and energy into the lessons in as much as the nursing instructors have been duly trained about how to use them (Billings and Halstead, 2008). More importantly, the instructors must be able to elicit some active responses from their students while using the teaching multimedia. If not, it would appear that the nursing instructor was only entertaining the students with modern technologies and not passing across the right messages (McKeachie, 2010). (ii) Virtual Class: One of the beauties of modern technology is that it allows people to study online irrespective of their present location; so far there is an Internet connection (Jairath and Mills, 2006). Some of the useful tools employed in online nursing education include but not restricted to computers, video clips, text (both on-screen and short-messaging), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications that allow students to hold one-on-one conversation with their peers and tutors, activity-based tools like simulated interactive discourses, hypermedia software that can elaborate more on themes of studies, skill labs and Internet

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nuclear Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nuclear Energy - Research Paper Example The most alarming factor concerning the rapid population growth around the world is their need to access to the resources which they use to make a living out of (Sovacool). Despite the growth and the increased demand on the natural resources by the increasing human population, these natural resources have not been appreciating in value but have been depreciating instead as the pressure is exerted on them due to increased human demands. Besides industrialization has been on the increase as well as many countries try to fight out for their survival within their niches with regard to the diminishing natural resources. The main driving force for economic development and the running of various industries around the globe is energy. This actually means that as the world’s industrial growth continues to expand, a lot of energy is required to run the industries as well as other sectors of economic productivity. It is however an amazing discovery made by the scientists concerning the p rovision of energy requirements for the increasing world populations with the diminishing trend in the natural resource endowments which is in contrary with the world population growth. This paper will look at the process of nuclear energy development around the globe and its implications for the global population. The aspect of increasing energy requirements and the need to plan adequately for the future generations with the diminishing natural resource base lead to the coining of the term sustainable development which cropped up during the earth summit in Rio De Jenairo in 1992 which aimed at striking a balance between the increasing human populations and the energy demands and call for the use of these natural resources in a sustainable manner (Wiberg). The summit, commonly known as the Rio Summit/the Rio declaration defined sustainable development as the type of development which caters for the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of the future gener ations to meet their own needs. This therefore meant that the present generation had to use her energy and other natural resources in such a way that they wouldn’t compromise the ability of the future generations to use the same resources to meet their own needs. The declaration made several countries to decide otherwise with regard to their protection of the natural resources hence the development of the nuclear energy as an alternative form to supplement and help sustain the non- renewable forms of energy such as hydro- electric energy, wood energy as well as the petroleum energy which is currently in high demand and widely used in the industrial sector but which is diminishing at a very high rate since it is non- renewable. Nuclear energy as Wiberg notes is that type of energy which is obtained by splitting the nucleus of certain radioactive atoms such as uranium, a process referred to as nuclear fission or nuclear tracking (Wiberg). The increasing demands on the requireme nts in the world has led to the overuse of the carbon related energy such as petroleum and coal energy which have only increased the extent of carbon gas emission in the atmosphere. Carbonic gas, which is known as a common and the most dangerous greenhouse gas resulting from emissions emanating from the extensive use of fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal, has immensely contributed to extensive global warming

Disaster Response & Recovery Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Disaster Response & Recovery - Case Study Example In addition, a center for intelligence, training design, preparedness, technological enhancements, and strategizing should be created. It should perform researches, strategize, plan, and organize leadership training programs and seminars. The regular intelligence gathering and planning allow the current procedures to cater to the possible threats that may materialize in the future (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Next, general guidelines on tactical directions should be created by the EMA. There should be a particular response for HazMat, chemical attacks in subways, as well as biological, radiological and nuclear attacks. Rescue measures during collapse, explosions and under-river tunnel operations (if applicable) should also be designed (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Subgroups of individuals with the appropriate skills and knowledge for these objectives can be tapped to focus on these tasks. Safety of the respondents should also be considered. Adequate equipment, ef ficient communication, and safe procedures all contribute to the safety during disaster situations. ... It should be able to simulate a terrorist attack. It aims to widen the analytical, leadership and decision-making skills, especially in a stress-packed environment (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). This is where research efforts come in. Knowing what the terrorists are capable of doing can aid significantly the preparation of the city. Information infrastructure becomes much more vital since self-organizing groups are more common in the cities. In addition, this can be used to tap the citizenry that can provide financial support and blood reservoir after catastrophes. It was found that ample social support improves emergency response significantly (Kapucu, 2012). It should also be included in the long-term plan of the EMA to supplement the knowledge and experience in terrorism studies and leadership of the respondents. The U. S. Military Academy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center, and Center of Homeland Defense offer c ourses regarding terrorist response. In return, the EMA and its participating agencies can hold seminars to the public, especially to individuals of a related profession, in an effort to make them more aware and prepared. They can also apply their learning to the overall preparation for terrorist attacks (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Security improvement in vulnerable sites Individualized security systems should be implemented for subway stations, airports and other facilities where large people gather, as well as industrial enterprises, such as food, computer, electricity generating stations, oil refineries, and nuclear fuel storage facilities (Kumarl, 2012). In particular, disaster situations in HazMat facilities should be responded by personnel especially trained for it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Multimedia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Multimedia - Essay Example These differences are highlighted below: (i) Face-to-face traditional class: In the physical class, the nursing instructor is the main visible authority, and he or she may use a chalk board, white board, overhead projector and an/or handouts to let the students understand his or her lessons (McKeachie, 2010; Billings and Halstead, 2008). In recent years, advanced technologies have increased the number of teaching tools utilized in the traditional nursing classes—these include but are limited to the use of video clips, demonstrative videos, powerpoint presentations and ELMO (Electricity Light Machine Organization), which is a document camera. Initially, researches have shown that face-to-face learning has become redundant, passive and uninteresting to the students. The use of these multimedia will surely bring some spark and energy into the lessons in as much as the nursing instructors have been duly trained about how to use them (Billings and Halstead, 2008). More importantly, the instructors must be able to elicit some active responses from their students while using the teaching multimedia. If not, it would appear that the nursing instructor was only entertaining the students with modern technologies and not passing across the right messages (McKeachie, 2010). (ii) Virtual Class: One of the beauties of modern technology is that it allows people to study online irrespective of their present location; so far there is an Internet connection (Jairath and Mills, 2006). Some of the useful tools employed in online nursing education include but not restricted to computers, video clips, text (both on-screen and short-messaging), Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications that allow students to hold one-on-one conversation with their peers and tutors, activity-based tools like simulated interactive discourses, hypermedia software that can elaborate more on themes of studies, skill labs and Internet

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Disaster Response & Recovery Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Disaster Response & Recovery - Case Study Example In addition, a center for intelligence, training design, preparedness, technological enhancements, and strategizing should be created. It should perform researches, strategize, plan, and organize leadership training programs and seminars. The regular intelligence gathering and planning allow the current procedures to cater to the possible threats that may materialize in the future (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Next, general guidelines on tactical directions should be created by the EMA. There should be a particular response for HazMat, chemical attacks in subways, as well as biological, radiological and nuclear attacks. Rescue measures during collapse, explosions and under-river tunnel operations (if applicable) should also be designed (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Subgroups of individuals with the appropriate skills and knowledge for these objectives can be tapped to focus on these tasks. Safety of the respondents should also be considered. Adequate equipment, ef ficient communication, and safe procedures all contribute to the safety during disaster situations. ... It should be able to simulate a terrorist attack. It aims to widen the analytical, leadership and decision-making skills, especially in a stress-packed environment (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). This is where research efforts come in. Knowing what the terrorists are capable of doing can aid significantly the preparation of the city. Information infrastructure becomes much more vital since self-organizing groups are more common in the cities. In addition, this can be used to tap the citizenry that can provide financial support and blood reservoir after catastrophes. It was found that ample social support improves emergency response significantly (Kapucu, 2012). It should also be included in the long-term plan of the EMA to supplement the knowledge and experience in terrorism studies and leadership of the respondents. The U. S. Military Academy, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center, and Center of Homeland Defense offer c ourses regarding terrorist response. In return, the EMA and its participating agencies can hold seminars to the public, especially to individuals of a related profession, in an effort to make them more aware and prepared. They can also apply their learning to the overall preparation for terrorist attacks (Bloomberg, Cassano and Kilduff, 2011). Security improvement in vulnerable sites Individualized security systems should be implemented for subway stations, airports and other facilities where large people gather, as well as industrial enterprises, such as food, computer, electricity generating stations, oil refineries, and nuclear fuel storage facilities (Kumarl, 2012). In particular, disaster situations in HazMat facilities should be responded by personnel especially trained for it.

Financial Accountants in Modern Era Essay Example for Free

Financial Accountants in Modern Era Essay Professional accountant: A professional accountant is an educated and experienced accountant who is responsible to keep a check on the company’s money flow. Business accountancy is one of the most sought out occupation in the modern day era. He works as the company’s management to determine how well a company is functioning in terms of financial reporting. The government assesses the professional accountant’s reports to determine the tax owed by the company. The evaluation done by the professional accountant is of significant importance since investors and banks study them to determine if the company is worth investing or not. Accounting is a very diverse field and every person involved in it has a prescribed set of tasks. Some deal with financial reports such as balance sheets and income statements whereas others are more concerned with tax planning and compliance. With more practice, one is able to become an expert in the field and can therefore be of great value to the owner as well as the business. An experienced Professional accountant should understand his importance to the business and be able to recognize the limitations he has to work with. He has to make things work his way in order to make the right decisions every now and then. It’s not the many easy decisions that he has to take but rather the few difficult ones that make him an expert in the field. They need to plan across-the-board and execute it without fail. Exceptional professional accountants have a network of accounting contemporaries, who help them solve the situations outside their areas of expertise. Professional accountants with exceptional skills in the field of accounting pick up opportunities that are of some value to the client and acts as a valuable asset for the business as well. In short, the professional accountant is the backbone of the company and a valuable asset who helps keep things flowing in the right manner. Importance of professional accountants in the modern era: The modern day world of business is dominated by globalization, it has become extremely important for organizations to grow and extend their reach beyond national boundaries. As competition is increasing and geographical limitations reducing, it is becoming more imperative for organizations to keep a stringent check on the finances being used and earned. Therefore as a result, the importance of Professional accountants is increasing proportionately. The primary job of a professional accountant is to prepare the financial reports for the organization, analyze them and present the true picture to the people who are the chief decision makers in the company. Considering the gravity of work involved, it is imperative that the professional accountant be someone who is experienced, versatile, of high integrity and competent enough to handle any situation that might arise related to the financial structure of the company. The evaluation done by professional accountants is then used as a basis by banks and the investors to determine whether the company is a profitable proposition or not. A professional accountant is someone who should be able to comprehend each and every situation in the best possible manner and be able to present a clear picture to the management for better decision making. He is able to understand all the limitations as well as the strengths of the company and can therefore advice the management to make profitable decisions. His purpose is not to make money for himself but to work mutually for the betterment of the company and himself. Reference

Monday, October 14, 2019

Representation And The Newspaper Media Criminology Essay

Representation And The Newspaper Media Criminology Essay This literature review aims to examine the literature regarding the ways in which women offenders, particularly those connected with notorious murder cases are represented by the media, one simply way that can help to understand the representation of women is to compare it with how men are portrayed (Gill, 2007, p. 17). At its most basic (Burton, 2010, p. 16), representation is the construction of ideas about a subject through some means of communication. The concern is that the representation constructs detrimental ideas about the difference of the subject from others (Burton, 2010, p. 16). Women who join their partners in killing have stood out as extraordinary and exceptional (Jewkes, 2004, p. 108), feminist commentators (Jewkes, 2004, Naylor, 2001) assert that the women attract more media attention creating an image of them that is more powerful than that of the male. The pervasive coverage has resulted in the construction of these women as folk devils provoking a collective sens e of horror from the public. Representation and the newspaper media Newspapers exert an enormous amount of influence over public perception (Burton, 2010, p. 7), they are an influential and powerful tool within society, utilised to inform and exchange information and news to the public. Academics have questioned the role of newspapers in their reporting of serious crime suggesting that instead of representing reality, they instead provide media representations of reality (Peelo et al 2004, p. 261). Reah (2002, p. 50) observes newspapers are not simply vehicles for delivering information; they present the reader with aspects of the news, and present it often in a way that intends to guide the ideological stance of the reader. Burton (2010, p. 7) explains that the familiarity of newspapers in our daily lives can divert attention from the fact that they are made objects. He asserts that newspapers are organised in various ways for various reasons and it would not be possible to argue that they are neutral deliverers of information with which the reader can do anything they please with. Burton (2010, p. 16) maintains that from a structuralist perspective there are features of a newspaper which present an order, a form, cues to the reader; all of these give shape to the representation of the subject. Newspapers order their material to produce a line of argument which is then imposed on the reader. Jewkes (2004, p.37) agrees with this view, stating that despite often being described as a window on the world or a mirror reflecting real life, newspapers might be more accurately described as a prism, subtly bending and distorting the representation of the subject it portrays. However, it must be pointed out that readers are not so lacking in the capacity for critical interpretation that newspaper makers can produce any kind of meaning or interpretation and impose it (Burton, 2010, p. 16). Feminism, crime and the media Research (Gill, 2007, Naylor 1995, 2001) has shown that the media coverage about women is generally presented differently to coverage about men. Dyer (1993, p. 21) and more recently Naylor (2001, p. 186) go further arguing that the same behaviour can evoke significantly different press coverage completely dependent on gender. In her study, Naylor (2001, p. 189) found that the female receives a higher volume of coverage and is constructed as more deviant, more anxiety producing and more transgressive than the male. Feminist examinations of the media propose two reasons for this gender inequality. Firstly, as Gill (2007, p. 121) argues, there is a gender imbalance in terms of who produces the news, male dominance dictates media values, beliefs and norms, often unfairly. She continues that women are culturalised into the news business, into an occupation in which the majority of senior positions are still taken by men. Research by Dougary (1994, cited by Burton, 2010, p. 257) established that across 12 tabloid newspapers top editorial jobs were held by 64 men and 11 women. The ratio was worse in the case of broadsheets. Although things are now changing (Gill 2007, p. 121; Burton, 2010, p.257) with a majority of females in journalism training, most do not end up in the mainstream press but rather in associated fields such as public relations and magazines. When women do enter the mainstream press (Gill, 2007, p. 122) there still appears to be discrimination and a gendered division between hard news reporters, such as economics, politics and crime, who tend to be men and features reporters, who are most likely to be women. There is evidence according to Burton (2010, p. 257), that it is nearly impossible for women to combine a mainstream investigative journalistic career with a family. Beasley (1992, p. 76) found that women journalists were less likely to be married or in a long term partnership than their male counterparts, they were also significantly less likely to have children. A simple increase in the numbers of women in journalism cannot be taken as straightforward evidence of greater equality, since for women, but not men, achieving this seems to involve major sacrifices in other parts of their lives (Gill, 2007, p. 122). Burton (2010, p. 257) puts it simply when he states that there is a gender imbalance in terms of who produces news, there is gender bias in terms of who gets to cover what kind of story, this influences the representations of gender in the news. The second reason proposed by feminist criminologists for this inequality in representation is that women commit far fewer crimes, specifically murders than men do (Seal, 2010, p. 1). The stereotypical picture of the criminal, Marsh and Melville (2008, p. 76) argue is a male. Male violence (Naylor, 2001, p. 186) is normalised, existing on a continuum ranging from the non violent to the murderous, this results in it being viewed only in terms of degree. Jewkes (2004, p. 133) argues that violence is viewed as one of many possible behaviour patterns for men; it is not strikingly unusual, even when extreme. When a man kills, his crime will be imaginable and possibly even seen as human, this is not the case for women. After all, argues Morrissey (2003, p. 16), male crime in all forms is frequently articulated, debated, portrayed, glorified, even fantasised, female crime is not. When women commit murder it is more disquieting and is accompanied by a sense of collective denial (Seal, 2010, p. 1). Women who commit murder are judged to have transgressed two sets of laws according to Jewkes (2004, p111); criminal law and the laws of nature, in Lloyds (1995) infamous words, such women are doubly deviant and doubly damned. Seal (2010, p. 1) explains, violence is an accepted attribute of most recognised masculinities, killing by women violates norms of femininity, such as nurturance, gentleness and social conformity. Marsh and Melville (2008, p. 76) state that there has always been and continues to be a widely held acceptance of common sense assumptions about female behaviour. They continue that the acceptable and stereotypical female norm is closely linked to womens psychological makeup and biological purpose, and it is these essentialist assumptions that condemn women to differential treatment not only in the media but also within the criminal justice system. Women who kill (Seal, 2010, p. 1) disturb culturally held notions not only of how women should behave but also of what woman is. Essentially women who kill trouble the masculine/feminine gender binary by transgressing its boundaries (Seal, 2010, p. 1). Jewkes (2004, p.133) asserts that in cases of women who kill vilification operates to displace them from society, to insist on their otherness, thereby avoiding the knowledge that she is produced by that society. Research by Chesney Lind (2006) supports this notion suggesting that gender stereotyping in criminality continues to permeate society with women who commit crimes, which violate gender stereotypes being given the most vicious journalistic treatment of all. Exploring representation typologies Previous research into media representations of women who commit murder indicate key stereotypical constructions that have limited the range of available representations to those which are disparaging and or disempowering (Seal, 2010, p. 6). Frigon (2006, cited by Seal 2010, p. 6) argues that there is an absence of language with which to articulate cases of women who kill. In particular, themes of sexuality, madness, and women as housewives and carers reoccur. Seal (2010, p 6) argues that this is unsurprising in the light of feminist criminology, which has explored how these discourse of womanhood are the ones that have governed the judgement, punishment and representation of criminal women. Jewkes (2004) in her book Media and Crime identified seven standard stereotypical narratives typically used by the media to construct the image of women who commit serious crime. These will now be outlined below. Sexuality and sexual deviance Women who commit serious offences are already of news value by virtue of their relative rarity. Jewkes (2004, p. 113) notes that women offenders become even more newsworthy when they can be further marginalised by reference to their sexuality. Womens sexual preference, their enjoyment of sex or their frigidity, have long been used to demonise them and justify their construction as monsters, even more so if the sexual preference of the woman in question is for other women. According to Jewkes (2004, p. 117) there is an inherent association between lesbianism and aggression that has led to the media attempting to explain violent female behaviour by way of lesbianism and attributes of masculinity. Seal (2010, p. 24) supports this argument stating that the tendency to masculinise women who kill is exacerbated in cases of women perceived as being lesbian or having lesbian tendencies. Physical attractiveness Women who kill (Jewkes, 2004, p. 118) are subjected to intense scrutiny regarding their physical appearance and attractiveness, a fact that entirely reflects cultural attitudes towards women in everyday life. Wykes and Gunter (2004, p. 255) argue that aspects of femininity such as youth, slenderness, and decorativeness are much valued within society and the media, if the female offender does not conform to this tradition stereotype she is vilified by the media. However it appears that the female offender cannot win, as Jewkes (2004, p. 119) points out women who are conventionally attractive and therefore do conform to this stereotype are not spared vilification, often being presented as femme fetales who are cold detached and morally vacuous. Gill (2007, p. 116) points out that unlike women, their male counterparts are rarely described or judged in terms of their physical appearance. Bad wives According to Jewkes (2004, p. 119) notions of femininity and domesticity are crucial factors in determining how to construct the image of women who kill. She argues that women offenders are frequently judged on their marital status, family background, and children. If it can be seen that women offenders are not conforming to Victorian inspired ideals of femininity and domesticity they are typically constructed as bad wives and mothers. By contrast, marital status, family background and children have little or no bearing on most cases involving male offenders whose conformity to conventional ideas of respectability rely on issues such as employment rather than factors such as marital status (Lloyd, 1995, p. 196). Bad mothers Women who murder children represent only a tiny fraction of serious criminals, as a result of this rarity they frequently have a novelty value that guarantees media interest in them (Seal, 2010, p. 26). The bad mother narrative is so culturally pervasive that it is applied to virtually all cases of women who kill whether the woman responsible is an actual mother or not (Jewkes, 2004, p. 121). Marsh and Melville (2008, p. 184) argue that the culturally sanctioned code of femininity and womanhood is that women should nature and protect, not harm. It is a womans natural role as mother and carer that makes it difficult for society to accept that women can harm children. Men on the other hand (Jewkes, 2004, p. 132) are rarely described as bad fathers even when their victim is their own child. Mythical monsters Jewkes (2004, p. 123) argues that the representation of women who kill that prevails in the media originate from pagan mythology, Judaeo Christian theology and classical art and literature, these frequently invoke images of witches, evil temptress, harpies and fallen women to convey female wickedness. She argues that the representation of female offenders as mythical monsters serves only to depict them as less woman than monster. Monstrous images of women have become so firmly entrenched in popular consciousness that it has become almost impossible to view any woman who kills as a real woman. Men however, according to Seal (2010, p. 75), are rarely given the same mythical motifs as females even though their crimes and or even themselves may be described as monstrous. Mad cows Seal (2010, p. 50) suggests that the criminal justice system, the media and society generally find it hard to accept that a woman has committed violent or heinous offences unless she can be categorised as a deluded lunatic or unstable hysteric. She argues along with Jewkes (2004, p 126) that there is an historical tendency to describe womens violence with explanations that rely on notions of female pathology, particularly in relation to faulty biology. This it is argued, (Seal 2010, p. 50, Jewkes, 2004 p. 126) serves to reduce the responsibility of the woman for the deviant act. Jewkes (2004, p. 127) argues that men meanwhile are regarded as rational agents, ruled by their heads not their biology and are therefore less likely to be described in terms of madness. Evil manipulator Women who collude with their partners in killing are problematic for the popular media who seek to communicate their actions to the rest of society (Jewkes, 2004, p. 128). The medias solution to women who appear to be equal partners, or at least go along with the crime unquestioningly is to place the burden of guilt on their shoulders. Morrissey (2003, p. 152) argues that the womens involvement in the crime will be exaggerated in the press causing the female to be vilified to a greater extent. She argues that the press relies on the notion that although the male may be a sadistic man capable of extreme cruelty he would never act without a submissive woman. It is only together that they become a lethal pair. Jewkes (2004, p. 128) argues that the female of the pair is deemed more culpable as she is instrumental in unleashing the violence and depravity that the male has thus far contained. It is the female who has let down the victim as she failed to stop the crime, she should have show n compassion (Jewkes, 2004, p. 128). Conclusion From the search of the literature pertaining to womens violence and the ways in which womens violence is represented it is becoming clear that the news medias aim and role is not simply to inform and educate the public (Burton, 2010, p. 8). The news media and society at large are not ready to confront the reality that women can be cruel, sadistic, and violent. The simple truth that men are more aggressive than women encourages a widespread cultural ignorance of the fact that women have the potential for violence and that women can kill as women (Jewkes, 2004, p. 129). Word count 2545

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Rationality of Scientific Discovery: The Aspect of the Theory of Creation :: Philosophical Science Scientific Papers

The Rationality of Scientific Discovery: The Aspect of the Theory of Creation ABSTRACT: In order to understand the rationality of scientific creation, we must first clarify the following: (1) the historical structure of scientific creation from starting point to breakthrough, and then to establishment; (2) the process from the primary through the productive aspects of the scientific problem, the idea of creation, the primary conjecture, the scientific hypothesis, and finally the emergence of the genetic structure establishing the theory; and (3) the problem threshold of rationality in scientific creation. Given that the theory of scientific creation adopts the descriptive viewpoint of rationality, it therefore establishes rational principles such as the following: (1) a superlogical mode of thinking; (2) an analysable genetic structure which consists of the primary and productive aspects (including experiential facts, background theory, operational means, higher irrational factors, etc.); (3) a means of recourse to the effect of incubation of a higher idea; (4 ) a movement in thinking from generality to particularity; and (5) the replacement of irrational by rational factors. 1.The Logic Theory of Scientific Discovery and the Irrational Theory of Scientific Discovery The modern forms of the logic theory of scientific discovery have abandoned the discovery model of pure logic, and search after the discovery logic in a broad sense. Both the retrospective inference which Hanson initiated and the inductive which Maclauin elucidated deserve serious attention among them [1]. Their common charateristics are to resort to the irrational factors, at the same time, they are unable to expound the process of emergence of the new ideas. In addition, the rationality of discovery is summed up into "the algorithm" or "the patterns of discovery" is still put forward, and it holds that it is according to the overeconomical principle that the discovery of the scientific laws discovers "the patterns" in experience and data [3]. They are both the different expression of discovery logic, the former is a kind of logic of problem solving, the latter is actually an inductive inference. Their common shortcomings are the simplification and to be unable to reveal how the new ideas occur in the process of scientific creation. The irrational theory of discovery advocates "the method of bisection" of discovery and verification and holds that the scientific discovery is "the intuitional result like poetry" (Popper), and doesn't thoroughly have the possibility of epistemological research (L. Laudan) [4]. The problems of scientific discovery should be studies by psychology and sociology.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Struggles of Undocumented Students Essay -- Immigration, Legal Iss

If we talk about undocumented immigrants in United States, we usually focus on the benefits and jobs they take from our country, but have we ever stood in their shoes and imagine what life is like for an illegal immigrant? To live as an undocumented immigrant is a bad situation, but I believe to be a child of an undocumented immigrant is even worse, because their choices are limited and they are unaware of their rights to attend colleges. In this research, I will focus on undocumented immigrant students, who are unable to afford for higher education, and the fear of their unknown future which is mainly cause by their undocumented status. The largest invisible group in America, to explore â€Å"what are the struggles and unsolved problems of undocumented students?† Early statistic provide from scholar article has proved that since the 1970s to 80s, Census by state has documented a high population of undocumented immigrants in the United States. Passel and Woodrow indicate that the estimation of undocumented immigrants is 2.06 millions in 1980s; most of the undocumented immigrants are Mexicans. By the year 2000, more than 1.6 million captures were along the U.S border. In southern California, â€Å"with almost 2.5 million unauthorized immigrants residing in the state, California is home to almost one fourth of the nations unauthorized† (Gonzales 473). This group can split into two major types, which are people who enter U.S illegally and people who enter through admission with their overstay visa. The Mexican group represents 60 percent of those who entered between 1970 and 1980. Mexico is the only single country which accounts the largest number of undocumented immigrants residing in the U.S. In 1980, 55 percent of the illegal immigrants... ...onvinced that my original question is an important one, therefore I am continuing with this formulation: â€Å"This invisible group in United States: the struggles and unsolved problems of undocumented immigrants† is going to be my argument of supporting â€Å"Undocumented students†. They deserve the rights to extend their education in order to achieve their American dreams. Their choices shouldn’t be limited by their statues, if they could achieve their academics successfully. United States cannot deprive undocumented immigrants of their academic rights for long term because this is a lost-lost situation. If U.S gives the undocumented immigrants their opportunities, there will be more educated people in the country, and they will give the country back with their skills. As a result, the entire country can move forward as a whole to becoming a better and stronger country.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Genographic Project Informative Speech

The Genographic Project I. INTRODUCTION A. (attention grabber): Everyone here probably knows what ethnicity you are, where your immediate family came from, or maybe can even trace your great-great grandparents. But what if I told you that you can find out where your ancestors came from tens of thousands of years ago from using this! (hold up a cotton swab) B. (thematic statement): Today I will be talking to you about The Genographic Project and what it has discovered in terms of ancestry. C. (establish significance/credibility): National Geographic has been conducting the Genographic Project since 2005. Consider the following article: Informative Speech on African CultureThey have been collecting DNA samples from people, and by studying and grouping the genetic markers people possess, it can be determined which path your ancestors took when populating the world! It can answer why we ended up where were are, and why there is a wide variety of colors and features amongst humans. Now, what I am going to be talking to you about today is National Geographic’s Genographic Project only, because the scientific community has not come to a concensus that their findings are valid, and the project is still ongoing. D. preview of main points): (pic) So today I will explain to what the National Geographic Genographic Project is, how it is being conducted, what their findings are, and how you can be a part of it. [transition]: But first, let’s talk about what this Genographic Project is, and a little about the science behind it. II. BODY A. (main point #1): In 2005, National Geograph ic Genographic Project was launched. a. According to National Geographic News. Com, Dr. Spencer Wells (pic)and a team of scientists are using technologies to uncover the truth of our genetic roots.They are analyzing patterns in DNA from participants worldwide that can tell us where we came from. He created the project to further validate his previous research about where humans came from. There is great debate about where humans originated and the paths they took to populate the world. http://news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2002/12/1212_021213_journeyofman. html b. According to Genographic Project website, So lets get into a little science†¦here’s how it works: Fathers pass on Y chromosomes to their sons, and for Mothers and daughters, its different. Mothers pass mitochondrial DNA to their daughters, and their sons.This â€Å"genetic code† becomes varied through the generations through occasional mutations. When a mutation occurs, it becomes a marker that can b e traced, and serve as genetic signposts for tracing evolution. Scientists, like Dr. Wells, can actually follow markers through time and determine the earliest ancestor for each marker. These markers in our genes can also help us to chart human migrations from Africa to other continents. The markers continue to split and split and you can eventually identify the root of all these branches to a common ancestor in Africa. ttps://genographic. nationalgeographic. com/science-behind/genetics-overview/ [transition/with signposting]: Ok, Now we have an idea of what it is and the science behind it, let’s take a look at How they are doing it and what they found. B. (main point #2): How it is being conducted- The Results they are finding. a. Dr. Wells and his team are obtaining DNA samples from ordinary people like you and me, and they are also traveling around the world to indigenous peoples and traditional cultures and obtaining DNA samples from them also.He is focused on obtaining v ery different samples of DNA to get the complete picture. https://genographic. nationalgeographic. com/about/ b. As can be seen in The Human Family Tree, (a documentary about this project), (pic)the team set up a booth at a street fair in Queens. Imagine the diversity they found in that one street that day. They took DNA samples from various people and contributed the samples to the project. (They did share their findings with the people who participated weeks later) (Movie source: The Human Family Tree- National Geographic) . The Results are amazing. (pic) They were able to chart a road map of sorts to identify the roots that people took when they migrated out of Africa, by grouping the markers they found in the DNA that was collected. (talk about chart/map and how to identify the markers) https://genographic. nationalgeographic. com/human-journey/ d. They estimate that all humans alive today can trace their DNA back to a woman who lived in Africa between 150,000 and 170,000 years ago. pic) She wasn’t the first human, of course, but when you trace the markers in our DNA, it ends with her. That means that all other lineages have died out prior to hers, and her genetic marker lived on and is in each and every one of us. http://www. oldthingsforgotten. com/dna/mtdna. htm [transition /with signposting]: Ok, let’s move on to how you can join in too, now that we know what the results are. C. (main point #3) How you can help/join a. (pic) If you’ve got about $200 bucks, you can purchase Geno 2. – Genographic Project Participation and DNA Ancestry Kit, in which you will receive these really fancy cotton swabs, and an envelope to return the results back to National Geographic. Let’s not forget you can keep the box as a keepsake! A portion of the proceeds from selling the kid goes back into the project for funding. You can then join their website, and your results will be posted there. You can also interact, if you upgrade your accoun t, with various other people with the same genetic markers as you- Distant Cousins! http://shop. ationalgeographic. com/ngs/browse/productDetail. jsp? productId=2001246&gsk&code=MR20936 b. So basically, what you can expect to find out is which root your genetic markers indicate you traveled. (back to map)So in a sense, you will find out which â€Å"highway† your ancestors took around the world. So for instance, (talk about African-American gentleman who’s roots did not indicate what he thought it would). III. CONCLUSION A. (review of main points): So today we have learned about what the Genographic Project is, how it is conducted and what the results are.Plus we are all going to run straight to the nearest computer and purchase the kit, right? B. (reminder of significance): National Geographic has been instrumental in documenting and researching all kinds of things around the world with respect to human and animal populations, across the globe. This project is no diffe rent. They have the resources and the scientists behind the research to determine where we all came from. C. (dynamic closure): So I bet the next time you look at one of these (cotton swab), you will remember that it can used the solve the mystery about where you came from!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Susan Glaspell’s Trifles

Susan Glaspell’s 1916 play titled â€Å"Trifles† uses many elements of drama such as, diction and spectacle through the actions of the two women as they rummage through a unusually messy kitchen to develop complexity and hold the attention of the audience until the very end. Glaspell uses irony and common misconceptions to convey her powerful message â€Å"Trifles† is also a play that reflects a clear notion of gender and sex roles. Glaspell, a feminist writer, writes plays that are known for their development of deep, sympathetic characters that have strong principles that are worth standing up for (Holstein 288). Trifles† opens up in its setting, which is a rural area of Nebraska in a newly abandoned farmhouse kitchen belonging to the Wright family. The play is written from two different perspectives. The perspectives include a male’s, which include George Henderson, the county attorney, Henry Peter, the sheriff, and Lewis Hale, a neighboring farmer, and a female’s, which includes Mrs. Peter’s, the wife of Henry Peters and Mrs. Hale, the wife of Lewis Hale. The male characters enter the house as a crime scene. The county attorney carries out the investigation in an orderly way by interviewing the key witness and asking for the facts only. â€Å"The audience hears only male voices for the first quarter of the play as they go from room to room routinely until they left nothing out, ‘Nothing of importance’† (Holstein 283). The females of the play were very hesitant to enter the house. The beginning scene describes, â€Å"The women have come in slowly, and stand close together near the door† (Glaspell 958). The women enter the house as a home rather than a crime scene. They are there only to gather items for the imprisoned, Mrs. Wright. They are very nervous and timid, which can be determined by the diction that Glaspell uses. Many dashes are used as the women speak slowly and thoughtfully in the home where a man was just murdered. Seeing the bread outside the breadbox, the broken fruit jars, and the rocking chair that Mrs. Wright was sitting in before and after the alleged murder that Mrs. Hale almost sat in causing it to rock back and forth all startled and made the women uneasy as they wondered around the house (Glaspell 962). These details also play a role in the spectacle that Glaspell is creating. As the play progresses, they are able to put themselves in Mrs. Wright’s position, making them more comfortable as they explore the familiar kitchen. Mrs. Hale has been Mrs. Wright’s neighbor for years and knows how hard it is to keep up with the cleaning and womanly chores of the home, which is why she is angry when the men are snooping around and judging her (Glaspell 962). She recalls when â€Å"Minnie Foster, now Mrs. Wright, wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up in the choir and sang† (Glaspell 968). As the women find the birdcage and later discover the dead bird wrapped in a beautiful box and realize what has happened in the Wright’s home, they begin to sympathize with her. They first think about â€Å"the lonely quiet of her childless farmhouse† (Holstein 285). Mrs. Hale â€Å"mourns the loss of Mrs. Wright’s preserved fruit, remembering her own hard work during canning season† (Holstein 286). For the first time throughout the play, Mrs. Peter’s softens to Minnie’s situation remembering the time a boy murdered her kitten and whispered, â€Å"If they hadn’t held me back I would have—hurt him† (Glaspell 967). Holstein mentions, â€Å"She also contemplates the stillness of her old homestead after her first baby died and compares it to Minnie’s solitude† (286). It is clear that the women are able to sympathize with Minnie Wright because â€Å"they share her experience† (Holstein 286). The play begins to be ironic as the men tease and belittle the women by poking fun at their â€Å"trifles† such as whether Mrs. Wright would sew or knot her quilt. â€Å"Mrs. Hale says, resentfully, â€Å"I don’t know as there’s anything so strange, our takin’ up our time with little things while we’re waiting for them to get the evidence† (Glaspell 964). Holstein points out that evidence is nothing more than the â€Å"little things† (284). The first trifle that was discussed was â€Å"a neighbor’s visit†, which Mrs. Hale has ongoing guilt about throughout the play. â€Å"Mrs. Hale observes, â€Å"We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things—it’s all just a different kind of the same thing† (Holstein 287). Other examples of their trifles that are discussed are items such as the birdcage that no longer has a bird in it and the square of quilt that is not nearly as neat as the others. These â€Å"trifles† become major evidence in the murdering of John Wright, but are kept secret by the women. The women ironically become the main characters of this murder mystery, which was groundbreaking in the time that Glaspell wrote this play. The men seemingly disappear as the women instinctively uncover the mystery for themselves piece by piece giving them a certain power over the men. In the beginning of the play, the women are quiet from â€Å"powerlessness†, but by the end â€Å"Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters ultimately find power in being devalued, for their low status allows them to keep quiet at he play’s end. † The women are much like â€Å"servants and other discounted groups†, for they are allowed to have knowledge of subjects â€Å"because it is assumed they will not be able to make intelligent use of it† (Holstein 284). By not turning Mrs. Wright in, Mrs. Peters clearly makes a change from the start of the play to the end. Mrs. Hale is luckily able to change Mrs. Peters’ initial thought on the discovery of Mrs. Wright being a murderer, which was the idea that â€Å"The law has got to punish crimes† (Glaspell 968). The men enter the kitchen again after carrying out these investigations with no more knowledge of the murder than when they started. The county attorney overlooks the trifle of Mrs. Wright being afraid of cats when he questions the empty birdcage, which could have been possible evidence. Mrs. Hale lied and said, â€Å"We think—the cat got it† (Glaspell 697). Holstein mentions, â€Å"Perhaps Mrs. Hale’s remark is an oblique reference to the women’s silence, as in the old question ‘has the cat got your tongue? ’† The attorney is only interested in the â€Å"visible evidence† of the murder (Holstein 285). In the end the women’s silence is no longer a â€Å"silence of powerlessness†, but a power of â€Å"intention and choice† (Holstein 284). The plays final line is the most powerful line. The county attorney remarks sarcastically, â€Å"Well Henry, at least we found out that she was not going to quilt it. She was going to—what is it that you call it, ladies? † and Mrs. Hale responded, â€Å"We call it—knot it, Mr. Henderson† (Glaspell 968). Holstein discusses that â€Å"Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters intentionally â€Å"knot† their knowledge and do â€Å"not† share it. There silence has become a mark of their solidarity, a refusal to endanger a sister. She ends her article with a basic summary of the men in the play by stating, â€Å"For the men in the play, [the women’s] secret remains an undiscovered trifle† (Holstein 290). Many aspects of Glaspell’s â€Å"Trifles† make it a moving play with a simple, yet powerful theme of women in this time period being powerful in the same way that they are powerless; in silence. As a feminist, Glaspell is able to give women the power of using trifles and womanly concerns that men laugh at to solve a murder mystery with hard evidence, and also gives them the power to stick up for a fellow female and withhold information from the portrayed ignorance of men. Although Glaspell does not come right out and say it, she is making it clear that she finds men to be overbearing and inferior to women contrary to the popular beliefs at the time this play was written. Glaspell does something inspiring by using the many elements of drama along side irony and the notion of gender and sex roles to develop a complex, chilling, and entertaining play about something as serious as a scorned woman seeking revenge on her husband and two women using simple â€Å"trifles† to understand why.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 69

No topic - Essay Example These procedures are also standardized. They are formal and documented. Exceptions to these procedures are rare and not well tolerated. The process structure in this process changes rapidly and usually takes time. Dynamic processes are flexible, informal and adaptative.They involve less managerial decisions and activities. These processes are less structured. They are less specific in nature. They are also less informal, and exceptions are frequent and accepted. These processes change rapidly and regularly. However, these two methods differ in execution and focus. They serve their unique purposes in organizations. Both of them organize work and help to improve the effectiveness and performance of companies. Nevertheless, they are each applied differently within organizations. Structural processes apply to less fundamental processes. Dynamic processes, on the other hand, focus on the processes that are not structured. However, both of them intertwine and are necessary for an organization to be able to appropriately and fully function. Structural methods depend on the optimization of outcomes. However, both of these processes serve their different functions in